We’re giving patients the best chance at life and surgeons the best tools to succeed

We believe all patients deserve the best chance at life, but not all doctors have the tools and support to make that possible. MediGuide empowers surgeons with advanced solutions that enhance surgical precision, efficiency, and build their skill. 

We create a 3D bioprinted model in 3 hours


3D bioprinted soft-tissue models for precise preoperative planning and surgery rehearsal.


Interactive VR/AR models from diagnostic images, with pathology video analysis.

With AI-driven 3D bioprinting for preoperative planning, we enhance surgical precision and improve patient outcomes, while lowering operating room costs. 

Our solutions enable surgeons to optimize their workflow and focus on building the skills and expertise that are essential to their practice. Our patient-centric approach enhances understanding and awareness, leading to improved healthcare outcomes. 

We help improve patient outcomes one surgery at a time

MediGuide team selected as finalist of EIT Health Jumpstarter and will be pitching in Budapest


MediGuide team wins prestigious Rector’s Award for University of Ljubljana Best Innovation 2024 


Call us directly 



Mencingerjeva 45

1000 Ljubljana - SI
